Q. "I haven't received my access code?"
A. Please email support@smilingmind.com.au
Q. How do I use the App?
A. You can either go through module by module, generally taking one week for each, or you can pick one off meditations based on topic.
Q. What's the different between the 'modules' and the 'daily practices'?
A. The 'daily practices' are more general meditations whereas the 'modules' work through specific topics like creativity, eating, leadership.
Q. What are the terms of service?
A. You can find the terms of service here: http://smilingmind.org.au/pages/terms-of-service
How do I get started?
1. Purchase the Smiling Mind Workplace license here. You will get an email within one working day with your access code.
2. Search for the Smiling Mind App via Google Play or Apple App Store and download.
3. In the 'All Programs' tab, click on the 'Workplace Program'. Put in your access code.
4. Head to the Introduction section to learn more about mindfulness and try a short, guided practice.
5. Set your commitment. Identify days and times when you'd like to fit in a meditation. You can use the Reminders section of the App and set yourself reminders to be mindful!
What is in the Workplace Program?
The program is organised into 5 modules and we recommend you complete these in order. Each module should be done over a one/two-week period.
Module 1 – Everyday Mindfulness
Module 2 – Calm (focusing on stress, transition and change management)
Module 3 – Clarity (building concentration and focus)
Module 4 – Connection (with yourself, others and bringing out the inner leader)
Module 5 – Mindful Mastery (building on what you've learnt and taking it to the next level)
How often should I use the App?
As little as five minutes a day is all that is needed to start seeing benefits. We recommend you use it five minutes a day, three times a week. We suspect that you’ll like it and want to use it more…